I had a conversation with a friend a few weeks ago as we are both playing the waiting games in our respective adoptions. We discussed how easily distracted from God we become when our worlds change. We talked about how even honorable things, tasks, people, and God's callings on our lives can become our idols.
I knew it in my head, I knew it in my head, but I have found that apart from God's precious grace, no change will come to my heart until He wills it.
We were scheduled for the transfer...a date in sight...reality. My aching for our babies was going to come to an end and I could see it. I went this past Tuesday for my first blood test on all the meds, to see what progress had come. The doctor found an "active cyst" on my right ovary. Basically, that means it is affecting my hormone levels and the date would need to be pushed back, maybe a week, maybe longer...uncertainty once again. It almost sounds like whining when I type it, such a small setback. I knew it in my head, that it is in His hands, His perfect timing, for His good - a good I might never be able to comprehend while on earth.
I knew it in my head, but only by God's grace can it change in my heart. I was worshipping at a gathering thursday night and was overcome with conviction that I had made God's calling first in my life recently, not God. Jesus is to be above all else.
So, Father, forgive me for putting anything before you. Isaiah 42:8 says, "I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols"
His timing is perfect, just as His strength is. Praying for you guys (oops, I mean, y'all) ♥