Sunday, May 8, 2011

the heaviest "weight" yet

I was not prepared for the 12 day wait before the official blood test.  It hit me hard especially after losing one already.  God knew what a difficult few days it would be and sent countless texts, FB messages, phone calls and visits from friends. For that, I am so grateful.
In His grace, the greatest gift was to wake up early wednesday morning, take a home test that came out negative and still have the peace only He can give. It was through nothing I did myself, only through His gift. I had a totally different mindset and my heart was restful.
We went to dinner with old friends that evening (one of whom is pregnant) and she told a story of taking a pregnancy test and seeing it negative, then returning 5 days later to a positive test. Naturally, When I got home, I got the negative test out of the trash and sure enough, there it was, faint as can be- but still there-an extra line!
Ryan and I looked at each other and laughed nervously, thanking God!
I go tomorrow for the official blood test, so we'll know for sure.


  1. That is so exciting Tori. The first positive test that I had with Aideen was negative. I went back to bed and when I got up a few hours later there was an extra faint line. I had to have Tyler look at it to make sure that I was not just seeing things. I took one of the expensive digital tests the next morning and it only took a second to come back positive. I am praying for you and am hopeful for great news tomorrow!

  2. you've got to be kidding me. i just wrote out this loooong comment about how awesome this is and how God is blessing not just your family but countless others (including me!) and it erased itself!! ugh. i'll just tell you about it when I see you. We aren't going to be at soccer tonight- Bella has her school art and music show, but we'll see you Saturday :)
    ~ Pia xoxo
